«Thought-shifting-words: Corona has created new terms»
The virus has infected the mind with new words and word meanings. They are historic pictures of our time.
A Word List by Thomas Oberender
When I entered the word VERKEHRSWENDE (the German term for the conversion of transport and mobility to sustainable energy sources, etc.) into my smartphone some time ago now, the auto-correction tool changed it to VERKEHRSWEGE (transport routes). The system corrects me based is known. But it is capable of learning. Thousands of users have since typed this word into search masks, thus changing the algorithm. With all the ensuing words, I was like this algorithm – most of the terms I entered in this list for 2020 would have said nothing, or something completely different, to me only one year before.
In 2019 what did I think Aussteigerkarte (the identification card for passengers getting off the train or air plain) could mean? Pandemic research, politics and the media have circulated vocabulary such as R-value, incidence and triage, and completely transformed the meaning of terms such as Querdenker (lateral thinker or covidiot, depending on your viewpoint) and Risikoperson (at-risk person). Words regrew like organic material, penetrated inhospitable areas, overrunning them with comprehension – never have I grasped language to be as much of a tool and a political issue as I have in the Corona period.
For years I have been writing down words that make processes of change conspicuous. The flow of words that came to me this year is simultaneously a kind of progress report on the pandemic and its side effects and an insight into the necessity of an ecopolitical turnaround.
Our language and the virus function thereby in a very similar way: the virus, which is not a living being itself, can only spread thanks to a host. To do this, it introduces its molecular information into the host’s cells. The virus is a code that reprograms the genetic script of its host. This has been happening for millions of years and is part of our symbiogenesis. Our spoken language is, in this sense, a collective response-song to the virus’s invasion into our bodies and, from there, into our social vital-systems, such as the economy, culture and language. In this sphere of words that nourish our thinking, there are thus countless spreaders that infect our minds with new concepts, promoting clarity as much as illusion.
I have selected from hundreds of these thought-shifting-words above all those that are directly or indirectly connected with the coronavirus. These are words that make the future conceivable because they lay out the unchartered territory of the future with terms that are like stepping stones: Infektionsketten (chain of infection), Viruzid (virucide), Sick-out, Coronasünder (anti-maskers, literally: sinning against Corona regulations), Hamsterkäufe (panic buying), Super-Spreading-Event, Corona party, Cluster, Prediction Technology, Red-lining, RKI-Lagebericht (situation report of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) - Robert Koch Institute is a German federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention), Meldeverzug (reporting delays), Artensprung (species jump), Denovo-Entstehung (de novo formation), Krankenhausnotfallplan (hospital emergency plan), Krisenreaktionspläne (crisis response plans) Medizingüter (medical supplies), Coronaschock (corona shock), das chinesische Virus (Trump: The China virus), soziale Distanzierung (social distancing),
Grenzmanagement (border management), Einreisestopp (entry ban), Corona-Rassismus (corona racism) Intensivkapazitäten (intensive care capacities), nichtpharmazeutische Maßnahmen (non-pharmaceutical measures), Händehygiene (hand hygiene), Flussschema (flowchart), Fallsterblichkeit (case fatality rate), Neuinfektionen (new infections), lockdown, stay-at-home, Volksmaske (people’s mask), Kritische Infrastruktur (critical infrastructure), Pflegewirtschaft (care economy), Helferlücke (specific deficit of seasonal workers), Ansteckungsspuren (traces of infection), Dunkelziffer (number of unreported cases), Nachverfolgung (tracing), Ellbogencheck (a song promoting an ‘elbow check’ as a greeting to help children maintain social distancing through the pandemic) pandemischer Imperativ (pandemic imperative), Basisreproduktionszahl (basic reproduction number), Hygieneregeln (hygiene rules), AHA-Regeln (»AHA” rules, AHA is a German acronym for distancing, hygiene measures and face coverings), Niesetikette (sneeze etiquette), Sicherheitsabstand (safety distance), Tianxia (philosophical concept / strategy from China), Pandemieverlauf (pandemic curve), Kontaktperson (contacts), Intensivbetten (ICU beds) triage system, Vorerkrankte (pre-existing conditions), Risikogruppen (at-risk groups), Gläserne Bürger (the transparent citizen), Gästelisten (guest lists), Systemrelevanz ( systemically relevant is vaccinated first), Sonderbonus (special tax free bonus for employees), Eindämmungsverordnung (containment order), Ausgangssperre (curfew), Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung (Appropriateness check), 7-Tage-R-Wert (7-day R-value) Wellenbrecher (hard lockdown to flatten the curve), Shutdown, Downtime, Corona-Biedermeier, Homeoffice, Zoomkonferenz (zoom conference), Hintergrundbild (zoom background image), un-mute, Doppelkinnansicht (double chin view on zoom camera from below), Stehmeeting (stand-up meeting as meetings in a seated position are prohibited), Zeitsouveränität (time sovereignty as a friendly word for new condition in the home office), Webinar, Vikos (abbreviation of video conference), Gig-Worker, Zuständigkeitschaos (jurisdictional chaos), Überbrückungsgeld (bridging money), Ausgleichszahlungen (compensation payment), Maßnahmenpaket (package of measures in the language of politics), Schutzschirmverfahren (protective umbrella procedure), Coronabonds (Corona bonds), Pleitewelle (wave of bankruptcy), Liquiditätshilfen (liquidity support by the state), Rückholaktion (repatriation operation from own nationals abroad), Kontaktketten (contact chains), Reservekapazitäten (reserve capacities), black-swan-Phänomen (black-swan phenomenon), Herdenimmunität (herd immunity), Perspektivenvielfalt (multitude of perspectives), Ärztestress ( Doctors on the verge of being overworked), Intensivregister (list of free beds in intensive care units), Mortalitätsrate (mortality rate), Intensivkapazitäten (intensive care capacities), Beatmungsplätze (places with ventilators), PCR-Test, Testkapazitäten (testing capacities), Fieberambulanzen (fever outpatient clinics), Mobile Testzentren (mobile testing centres), Testdebakel (testing debacle), Immunitätsstatus (immunity status), Schutzziel ( Intended goal of the protective measures), Drei-Tages-Mittel (three-day mean), Atmende Strategien (»breathing” strategies), Übersterblichkeit (also: »excess mortality” refers to an increased mortality rate in demography), Infektionssprechstunde (infection consultation), Reservekrankenhaus (COVID-19 hospitals), Abstrichzentren (swab testing centres), Drive-in test, Absonderungsverfügung (Decree of segregation of infected persons), Quarantänepflicht (compulsory quarantine), Homeschooling, Wechselunterricht (alternating or hybrid schedule), Coronaferien (Corona holidays), e-learning, Notbetreuungskind (emergency care child), Playdates, Teilhabegerechtigkeit (participatory justice), Schulversagen (Failure of the school system), Kita-Notbetreuung (emergency day care), Distanzgebot (distance requirement), Coping, Balkon-Klatscher (balcony applause for corona helpers), Hygienedemonstrationen (Demonstrations against hygiene regulations), Superspreader, Infektionskurve (infection curve), seuchenpolizeilicher Imperativ (epidemic policing imperative), Durchseuchung (spread of infection), Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (mouth-to-nose coverage), Alltagsmasken (cloth face masks for daily life), Einwegmasken (disposable masks), FFP-Masken, Maskenpflicht (mask mandate), Rumpfflugplan (fuselage flight schedule), Risikogebiete (risk areas), Selbstquarantäne (self-quarantine), soziale Isolation (social isolation), Re-Traditionalisierung (re-traditionalisation) Teilungsunterricht (split class lessons), Luftfilteranlagen (air filter systems), Kontaktbeschränkungen (contact restrictions), Konjunktureinbruch (economic slump), shut-in-economy, Förderlücke (funding gap within the support services for corona emergency sufferers), I-Wort (Literally: I-Word, I representative of insolvency), Soforthilfe (emergency aid), Katastrophenfond (disaster fund), Plausibilitätsprüfungen (plausibility checks), Vorzieheffekte (pull-forward effects), Mammutprogramm (mammoth programme as a word for extra large aid programme), Liquiditätshilfen (liquidity assistance) Gesundheits-Nato (health Nato), Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (EU), Umweltgerichtshof (environmental court), green deal, Post-Wachstumsgesellschaft (post-growth society), Zeitwohlstand (time prosperity), Kreislaufwirtschaft (circular economy), Commons, Agrarwende (agrarian reform - Change of farming method), Parrhesie (parrhesia), Exporteinbruch (export slump), Corona-Crash, Geldflut (flood of money caused by state money), Reformdruck (reform pressure), Care-Debatte (care debate), Krisenpolitik (crisis politics), Notparlament (emergency parliament), Virtuelle Plenarsitzungen (virtual plenary sessions), Coronagipfel (Corona summit), C-Wort (c-word), Kaskadeneffekt (cascade effect), Betriebsunterkunft (company accommodation for seasonal workers) Westfleisch (name of a large-scale slaughterhouse that became famous for its disastrous working conditions, and literally »western meat”), Erntehelferstreik (harvesters strike due to poor safety conditions), ad-hoc-Stellungnahme (ad-hoc opinion), Aerosole (Aerosols), symptomgeleitete Erhebungen (symptom-guided surveys), Antikörpertest (antibody test), longitudinale Testung (longitudinal testing), Datenaufbereitung (data preparation), populationsweite Verhaltensänderung (population-level behaviour change), Datentreuhändler (data fiduciaries), Krisenprodukte (crisis products – like plexiglas protective screens), Spuckschutz (spit shields), Kundenstopper (customer stopper or a-board), Schlangenmanagement (queue management), Korbpflicht (basket duty - to control the number of shoppers in stores, like the automated traffic light system in the UK), Betretungsverbot (ban on entering public places), Beherbergungsverbot (ban on holiday accommodation), Corona-Spitzel (Coronavirus snitch), Überwachungsbefugnisse (surveillance powers), Beziehungsentzug (relationship deprivation), Besuchsverbot (visiting ban), social meltdown, Grundrechtseingriffe (infringement of basic rights), Datensparsamkeit (data parsimony), multidimensionale Risikobewertung (multidimensional risk assessment), Contact Tracing, Symptom-Achtsamkeit (symptom mindfulness), Geschmacksstörung (taste disorder), Hustenetikette (cough etiquette), Maskenmuffel (maskhole), Kontingenzmanagement (contingency management), Coronakabinett (Corona Cabinet), Solidaritätsfond (solidarity fund), Körpernahe Dienstleistungen (body-related services), Gutscheinlösung (voucher solution), Internet of behaviour, Online-Spielplan (online programme), Ad-hoc-Studie (ad hoc study), Soloselbständige (Solo self-employed) Aussteigerkarte (passenger locator form), Präsenzunterricht (face-to-face teaching), Online Semester, Kann-Semester (can-do semester), Asynchrone Vorlesungen (asynchronous lectures), Hybridunterricht (hybrid teaching), Lernrückstände (learning backlog), Kontaktintensitäten (contact intensities), Echtzeiterlebnisse (real-time experiences), Fearology, Berührungsarmut (touch deficit), Tracing App, Infodemie (infodemic), Verhältnismässigkeitsprüfung (Adequacy check), Lockerungsperspektiven (prospects for easing restrictions), Exitstrategie (exit strategy), Segregation, 7-Tage-Inzidenz (7-day incidence), Hochrisikolandkreise (High-risk counties), Multikausalität (multicausality), Verbreitungspotenzial (spread potential), Infektionsraten (infection rates), Bewegungsprofile (mobility profiles), Crowdmanagement, Kontaktsenkung (contact reduction), Entschleunigung (deceleration), Corona-Schwerpunkt-Praxen (corona focus surgeries), Video-Gipfel (video summit), Risikokommunikation (risk communications), Datenaustauschverfahren (data exchange procedures), Allgemeinverfügung (general ruling), Schlüsselbranche (key industry), Veralltäglichungsprozesse (generalisation processes), Zoom-Fatigue, Länderfürsten (minister presidents of the federal states, literally: lords of the states), Bund-Länder-Treffen (federal-state meetings), Alleingänge (going it alone – unilateralism), Lex Bundesliga (Derogation rule specifically for professional football), Geisterspiele (behind closed doors - playing football, etc. without a crowd in attendance), Wies‘nabsage (Bavarian for the cancellation of Oktoberfest), Präventionsparadox (prevention paradox), Verschwörungsmythen (conspiracy myths), Corona-Demos, Q-Anon, Digitale Sekten (digital cults), Coronadiktatur (Corona dictatorship), Covidioten (covidiots), Coronaleugner (coronavirus deniers) Querdenker (‘unconventional thinkers’), Aluhutträger (tin foil hat wearers), Impfjoch (vaccination yoke), Verschwörungserzähler (conspiracy theorists), Deepstate, Juristokratie (juristocracy), Hotspot, Katastrophenfall (disaster situation), Sofort Bußengeld (on-the-spot fine), Virenschleuder (viral slingshot), Impfgegner (anti-vaxxers), Pop-Up-Fahrradwege (pop-up bike lanes), Lastenfahrrad-Zuschuss (cargo bike subsidy), Antispeziesismus (anti-speciesism), Mitgeschöpflichkeit (fellow creatureliness - symbiotic seeing), Drogenengpass (drug bottleneck), steering effect, Generation Lockdown, bothsideism, Demokratur (portmanteau word made of democracy and dictatorship), backsliding, Planetarität (planetarity), Ökozid (ecocide), Neue Normalität (the new normal), Optimismusförderung (optimism promotion), Pandemiemüdigkeit (pandemic fatigue), Langzeitfolgen (long-term consequences), Teillockdown (partial lockdown), Lockdown light, Schulbuskonzept (school bus concept), Novemberhilfen (November funds), Kontakttagebuch (contact diary), Massentest (mass testing), Präsenzparteitag (in-person party conference), Glühweinpulk (Glühwein crowd), Gestaffelte Treffen (staggered meetings), Pop-up-Weihnachtsmarkt (pop-up Christmas market).
All these words are history paintings of our time, for each one in itself became the smallest term for the great monstrous, the extraordinary and unique of the pandemic. In painting, history paintings as still images of historical turning points were the highest genre of visual art for centuries. I think many of these words are here to say, even if the virus is suppressed. And this list remains open: vector virus, coronavirus vaccine, Stoßlüften (shock ventilation), begegnungsarmer Basisbetrieb (lit. low-contact basic operations), vulnerable groups, expectation management. I’ll stay tuned.
Translated by Steven Corcoran for Avtonomi Akadimia Athens
First published in Süddeutsche Zeitung